Product information
Fire protection BS C:
The aluminium fire protection doors of the series BS C by Hueck/Hartmann
allow a division of buildings into single fire areas. Specially developed isolators
prevent the development of fumes and create, together with gasket strips, an
invisible thermal protection shield, shielding from the high fire heat for at least
30 minutes.
The fire protection doors are easy to use and can be equipped with multiple
functions. Additionally, they fulfill the smoke protection requirements, are
burglary-protective and can be automated with anti-panic function and revolving
door drive. At the same time, a combination with insulating-, sound-proof-, heat
insulation or finish glass as well as full-area panels is possible.

System advantages
- Modular system door technique
- Identical in construction with the other HUECK-door systems, e.g. HUECK RS
C (RS), HUECK GS C (G30)
- Identical optics and elevations at the different HUECK-door systems, e.g.
HUECK 1.0 door (thermally insulated)
- Fire protection-tested according to DIN 4102,
T30 1, authorization Z-6.18-1605
T30 2, authorization Z-6.18-1606
F30 glazing, authorization Z-19.14-1176
- Tested as smoke protection door according to DIN 18095,
Test report RS-1, Nr. P-12000942-10
Test report RS-2, Nr. P-12000942-20
- Entirely aluminium construction with narrow profile elevation surfaces
- Easy processing with high optimization of production
- Variety of low-cost fittings
- Minor amount of maintenance due to compatibility with the series HUECK RS
C (RS-1/RS-2), series HUECK GS C (G30-glazing) and series HUECK 1.0 door
(thermally insulated)
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Series BS C